Data Dialogues is an image and text work that re-stages a conversation with scientist Dr Filipa Carvalho from the National Oceanography Center (NOCS), Southampton, UK. The work consists of a central image, which is a printed photograph depicting chlorophyll concentration (interpreted as phytoplankton biomass) in part of the Southern Ocean near South Georgia. The image is created from data collected by an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) and processed by Dr Carvalho and is used to understand organic Carbon fluxes in the ocean. In the accompanying transcript, three voices interpret the data visualisation. The dialogue considers how and where visualisations of the ocean are made, the choices involved in interpreting data, modelling and the difficulties embroiled in forecasting and prediction.
Data Dialogues was co-commissioned along with the film Hydromancy by Onassis Stegi and John Hansard Gallery as part of Weather Engines, curated by Daphne Dragona and Jussi Parikka. The works were exhibited at Onassis Stegi (Athens) as part of the Weather Engines exhibition from 1 April - 15 May 2022.
The image in Data Dialogues is part of a project that has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program (GOCART, Grant Agreement no. 724416)